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January 28, 2011


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This is a great thing to stumble upon. There are always so many things to do in a day, that being eco friendly often get put off. When you actually think of it, it should be part of every day life and not a burden.

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I tried my best to do the same, and I made it! My friends love it so much.

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Don't know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one

Geona Stark

Cool! The recipe and the medicine itself is promising. However, before women try to make one, they should still ask advice from a gynecologist. They are the ones who look after women, especially the ones under the menopausal stage. They can give better solutions to such problems.


The concepts of blood and yin being influenced by foods sounds really interesting! Especially when included in a good looking recipe like this.

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